The Courageous Grandparenting Seminar includes the following 5 sessions.
Session 1: OWN UP!
Do you believe that grandparents matter? God does, and He has a lot to say to us about His expectations for grandparents. In this session, we’ll unpack what God’s Word has to say about critical roles God intends for grandparents in the family.
Session 2: WISE UP!
Understanding the times and knowing what to do impacts how we fulfill three essential roles of biblical grandparenting.
Session 3: BUILD UP!
One of the most overlooked, transformational tools God has given to us to help our children and grandchildren succeed in life and understand God’s purpose for them is the spoken blessing. This session unpacks the what, why and how of this powerful tool.
Session 4: GEAR UP!
Grandparents' impact upon grandchildren rests to a great extent upon the relationship we have with our adult children. This session discusses five anchor points that make it possible for us to build and maintain healthy relationships and to mend broken ones.
Session 5: STEP UP!
Grandparents matter, but only if they choose to matter. How do we now fulfill that biblical responsibility to pass the baton of faith to the next generations? Where do we go from here?
About our Speaker
Our speaker, Mark Adcock, comes to us from Indianapolis, IN, where he is the founding pastor of New Life Christian Fellowship in Fortville, a rural suburb on the northeast side of Indy. Mark is the senior pastor and just completed his twenty-sixth year of service. Mark and his wife, Angela, will celebrate their fortieth anniversary this year and are blessed to have two married children and five awesome grandchildren.
Mark has been a presenter at grandparenting events across the country for the past five years and is the author of A Call to Grandparenting, along with Lessons Learned on Papa's Pond, Developing Spiritual Oneness Through Prayer, and Be Strong and Show Yourself a Man. Mark is a Certified Biblical Counselor by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors with a specialty in Biblical Marriage Counseling. Mark’s life was impacted greatly by his maternal grandfather, who was instrumental in his coming to faith in Jesus Christ. His book A Call to Grandparenting
expresses how one grandparent’s investment can make all the difference in future generations coming to faith in Jesus Christ.
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